Last call for alcohol!

That announcement is often heard at sports bars and other late-night venues when closing time is approaching. And it’s given for good reason, as some customers will have definitely have overshot their drink limit by that time. Let’s face it – no one wants these people out on the road when they’ve got that much alcohol in their system.

But what about a wedding reception?

When someone yells “Last call!” at a wedding reception things typically grind to a halt real fast. All of those family members and friends who are out of the dance floor suddenly begin looking at their watches or phones to check the time. Invariably, people begin heading home, leaving the dance floor looking like Death Valley.

That’s the last thing you want to happen when your guests are getting down to the music of Lizzo, Usher, MJ or yelling out that popular Journey song. (you know what song) And it’s particularly bad when you’ve got a DJ who’s working the crowd and turning your reception into a real party.

No event can go on forever — that’s obvious. But a better way to do it is to simply post a sign that says, “Bar will close at 10 p.m.” That lets your guests know ahead of time when the reception will begin winding down. More importantly, it gives them time to pace themselves, not only with food and drink but with conversations.

Meanwhile, your DJ can keep the music cranking so the party carries on until your reception is over!

Want a DJ who will make your event special? Call Silvertunes Entertainment or text us today at 818-533-8863 to see if we’re available. You can also reach us at [email protected].