The Ceremony.  ceremony music kellys wedding garden

Celine and Andrew said yes and made it official at Kelly’s wedding garden, the ceremony started at 5:30 pm.  They hired a Guitarist, Josh Gilbert to play the songs as the wedding party made their way down the aisle. Celine walked down to the traditional song of “here comes the Bride”

la gardenia floristsCocktail hour.

During the Cocktail hour as guests enjoyed drinks inside and a photobooth outside, a Mariachi Band was providing the musical entertainment.  There were some beautiful flowers placed on the tables provided by @lagardenia_  florists based out of Los Angeles.


Wedding music kellys wedding gardenDancing.

With a wide variety of music with fun top 40’s, R&B and a great mix of Latin style tunes from Cumbia, Salsa, Merengue and Bachata, Celine danced with her dad to My Wish by  Rascal Flats and Andrew danced with his mom to Song for Mama by boyz 2 men, we then open up the dance floor with the closer I get to you- Luther Vandross & Beyonce.


Intro Song- bring em out- T.I.

First Dance- Dream on with you-Terrance Howard

Cake Cutting- Love- Kendrick Lamar

Bouquet Toss- Single Ladies

Garter Toss- Whatta Man- Salt n Peppa


anahit's treats

For Dessert, the guests also got to enjoy some donuts and cake pops provided by @ana_treats.

to find out more details about the services we can provide, be sure to check out our availability checker or text us at 818-533-8863 for your next celebration.